Martes 12 Julio

AC Met Con

Warm Up
EMOM x 8 MINUTES (:40 ON/ :20 OFF)
MIN 1 – Row @ EZ Pace
MIN 2 – Lunge + Lunge + Air Squat
MIN 3 – :20 Single Unders + :20 Alt. Planked Calf Stretches
MIN 4 – Row @ Mod Pace
MIN 5 – Slow Deadbugs
MIN 6 – Empty Bar FR Lunge
MIN 7 – :20 Single-Single-Double + :20 Double Unders
MIN 8 – Sit-Ups

5:00 ON / 1:00 OFF**
240 Double Unders
180/144 Cal Row
120 Sit-Ups
60 Front Rack Lunges
*Complete sets of 5:00 ON / 1:00 OFF until all work is completed.
**Partition 1 of 2 Ways ONLY…
Option 1 — Straight Through, No Partition
Option 2 — Partition into 4 Sets of
60 Double Unders
45 Cal Row
30 Sit-Ups
15 Lunges